Saturday, January 23, 2010

Week 2 - January 22nd

The tragic events in Haiti were absolutely on everyone's minds and I have to say as regards to fundraising - Please donate whatever you can to Haitian relief - our family made several donations this week and even as we watched the Save Haiti special last night. Unfortunately, unlike September 11th, there is no one to blame and it's just hard to watch the tragedy unfold in the wreckage and the fact that as of today, they aren't looking for survivors anymore. Very sad.

Anyway, was not a good week for me in the running department. I came down with a severe cold and respiratory problem, and it didn't bode well. I did get out for a 3-4 mile run while we were in vacation in Orlando, but not too much outside that and getting back, my daughter got violently ill. One of the valuable inputs I got from my expert panel is to keep a journal so I'm going to start that for this upcoming week. My goal is to run 4 days with 2 days cross training per the Jack Fultz program. I ran on the treadmill today (but treadmill miles don't count) - felt good for a good 48 minute workout.

Donations this week:

Patrick Mullaney - in memory of his dad David and all cancer victims
David W. Adams - in loving memory of Betty Silverson (quick UNSOLICITED plug here but David is my family attorney and has an outstanding Estate Planning practice which I highly recommend. If, like me until recently, you haven't done this - please do this or something like it TODAY, tomorrow may be too late - )
Roland Dunatov - in memory of John Dunatov

Thank you to all for donations and please remember Haiti First!! Hope for a better report next week.

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