Thursday, February 18, 2010

Feb 15 Week - It Wasn't Pretty, But It Was Functional...

.... Resisting the urge to make a bad joke " my first girlfriend..", the week was still pretty good but I need to do better. It was tough to find time to run but I managed 3 outdoor days and one of those was a good 90 minute run (I'm very focused on getting increased time in runs and of course distance, but having a good effort for the entire time) and I concluded with a DFMC team run on the Lexington bike path at 10 miles, which I was proud of, as I hadn't gone that distance yet. I'm starting to feel fit and even as I'm tired or have muscle aches, the time to get to the first plateau (that's the point where lungs stop burning and the pain stops and the body gives up trying to make you quit) is quicker. I actually enjoy running, maybe it's a case of "there's a joy in being mad that only madmen know" but it is very satisfying because for me, it is very hard. I wasn't born with a "runner's physique" but I'm getting there. I'm going to do every DFMC team run from here on out and I hope to join my personal hero Gerry B at a pace where I might come in some time shortly after him. I found a pretty cool site I'll share called Pretty much you put in a zip code and it pops up with running routes in the general area. Very cool. Of course there's a premium (paid) version which is way cooler, but you probably knew that.

On fundraising front, I would like to thank Joyce Kim and Jan Linden from my company (GIPS - Global IP Solutions) and a high school classmate Dianne Belamarich for their donations. I'm sending a batch of letters out and I may do a fundraiser in early April in the Hopkinton area probably (how noncommittal is that - nice job Tom). Thanks to all who have supported, I run for all of you and in memory of your people too!!

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