Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feb 8 Week and the "real" Survival Shuffle....

There are times in running when the pursuit is effortless, you glide along, bearly breathing, and you hardly feel your feet touch the pavement. Unfortunately, for me, these times are few and far between. Usually, I am winded, my feet and heels ache and both quads and calves burning and I pound along, trying to reach the small milestones I set for myself. The next hilltop, a telephone pole, run for a solid hour, etc. You fall into a pace and you just grind or gut it out.

For those that aren't familiar with the term, the "Survival Shuffle" is a euphemism for what you do when your body has given out, when cramps set in and you don't think you have anything left. It is of course a very strong parallel to the fight our loved ones have had and continue to have against the horrible disease of cancer. It's what I witnessed my mom do when she was in pain and I heard how my wife's Aunt Ruth persevered through so many difficult cycles. And so many (TOO MANY) more. I want to end the survival shuffle for everyone who has had to endure it, and so no one else will ever have to. Anyway, that's what this is all about.

On the running front - had a decent week, concluded running a 5K race in Lowell. My son Kenny (he of the effortlessly gliding through life - oh to be 14 again) kicked my butt and ran his PR, as did a good friend of our family, Karen Tierney. I survival shuffled after going out too fast on my first mile. Going to punish myself a little this week to make up for it.

On the donation front - Thank you to Colleen Connearney-Scheibner (and her lovely husband Ned Schneibley) for a donation, as well as my friend Mike Spofford for their donations this week.

ONWARD AND UPWARD!! Our link again is http://www.runDFMC.org/2010/tomf - ALL DONATIONS LARGE AND SMALL ARE APPRECIATED!!

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