Friday, April 2, 2010

Saved by the ARC and a GREAT week Mar 29

Week was a little slow this week, the calf was still a little tender, so I followed training advice and found my new best friend - the Cybex ARC Trainer - hands down the BEST, low impact, hi aerobic workout available on the planet. Got several hours in on these machines this week and it was good for the legs and kept me on pace despite not running outdoors. I felt better toward the end of the week, but I opted not to do the long run with DFMC and rest the calf. That means rather than "tapering" I will be continuing to run long up until the marathon but I will not likely do anything more than 20.

As with all the other ups and downs, it was a GREAT week in other respects. I've connected or reconnected with a lot of family and a few friends from the past, as I've sent out my fundraising appeals. I had my biggest support donation this week from a very generous guy I play poker with on occasion, I had my best fundraising week with $760 and over $4,000 (halfway there). Lastly, I was humbled and honored to be asked by another such person I've reconnected with through all of this, Helen Morey-Gallo, a Hopkinton High Alumnus, to run for her pediatric partner after health issues forced her to begrudgingly withdraw this year. Helen is an amazing, indefatigable spirit and breast cancer surivor, who ran for DFMC last year and raised a ton of money and generated a lot of positive exposure for Dana Farber. And, I am now running in support of her 2 year old cousin Aaron who has a rare brain cancer. When she asked me I thought of the old Bobcat Goldthwait line when his son was born and they asked him if he wanted to cut the cord and he said (can't do the voice) "Isn't there anyone else MORE QUALIFIED??" But yes, I am ecstatic about this!!

Want to ESPECIALLY thank my AMAZING donors this week, as we went over $4,000 for the week and got some amazing support from the following: Stephanie McIntyre (in support of Aaron, my new pediatric partner), Mary Desrocher, Kevin (Sr.) and Eileen Flynn, Kevin (Jr.) and Amy Flynn - Thanks to ALL the Flynn's this is great!!, my good friend Andy Hebb for his amazing generosity and big heart, Peg Bailey and Mary Lord from Charles River Medical (my late mom's oncology care nurses who showed their care for my mom extended past her care at CRM - amazing ladies), good friends Jimmy and Kayleen Miner, Sheila and Russ Laubinger, Clare Brown, and lastly, a donation from our good friends, Adham and Hazzah(s?) El-Fakih at Billerica Shell (everyone buy their gas at Billerica Shell on 3A this week OK?) Thank you guys for giving me this gift and enabling my run.... More to follow, Onward and Upward!!!


  1. LOL I can HEAR Bobcat's voice as you write/type it out, but you are MOST qualified! See you soon - XO Helen

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Tom, I don't know anyone more qualified than you!
